Chinglish is a well-known phenomenon. Some phrases are really sweet and summarise how beautifully the Chinese phrase quite mundane things. Others are simply hilarious. And others are just downright puzzling.

These are all signs seen on my recent visit to Yunnan. Here’s a few sweet phrases for positive mindfulness…

Keep natural grass for our health.
The grass is smiling, Don’t disturb her.
Please keep off the grass green.
Your civilised behaviours will help make the grass greener and the flowers more colourful!
Civilization begins with one step, protection depends on us.
Be kind to the nature is merciful to the human itself.
If the nature were mother we would be dutiful sons.
The bees depend on the flowers and the fish depend on the aquatic.
Reminder. People in crowded tourist areas comply with order.
Do not disorder rubbish here
No Tossing
No Plucking
No Shaking
Fire is heartless. Keep ringing the alarm bell.
Square building
Rock fall through quickly
Carefully slip and fall down
Sacred Buddhist site. Do not doodle.

And a few that might have you scratching your head…..

A bower is heard
Auto get door
Forest such as love, fire on everyone.
The indisputable rob, civilized photograph.
The Gold Sand River is silent with the golds.
There’s no ravine for a gallant horse.
The blue water and the sky in the painting.

And my absolute favourite…..
Pregnant women with high fever. The drunkard refused to ride.



Categories: travel